This is bio monthly blended assignment of general medicine .

QUESTION 1:  Review of the blog

This is the assignment of 101. The mention of his review in the 1st question on all the 10 cases were clear and short . And  also mentioned the points which would make the blog he reviewed even better and appreciable. Which would make others to understand easily and gain some information. In the 3rd and 4th question there was no mention of the list of problems of each patient and the problem solving from the diagnostic and therapeutic mentioned. There was a mention of the examinations done in the patient.


I didn't prepare a e-log of a case to mention.


case :

This is a case of acute renal failure .The case presentation was clear with all the investigations and examinations clearly mentioned which were done . The day to day therapy given was mentioned for about 10 days clearly. From the investigations done ,there is abnormal concentrations of  creatine , uric acid and  urea in the urine from which the diagnosis of acute renal failure can be done.

case :

This is a case of chronic renal failure. The mention of the abnormal conditions from  the investigations were highlighted which makes easy to the reader. All the abnormalities were mentioned separately at the end for fast review . This makes the blog more intresting .


  This is a case of DKA with AKI. The patient history was clearly mentioned in brief . As she was diabetic there was gangrene formation at her back ,which was clear from the pictures and the history. As she was unconscious , more investigations couldn't be done that would help in prognosis of the disease.


This is case of HFrEF secondary to CAD; CRF. This blog provides new insights in preparing the blog .The reason behind giving the particular treatment was also cited in the blog and the links supporting the statement are also added in the blog.



This is a case of acute kidney injury secondary to urosepsis with hyperkalemia and anemia of chronic disease.

The problems of the patient are:

  • DM2 
  • acute kidney injury secondary to urosepsis 
  • high grade fever 
  • bilateral pitting type pedal edema
  • decreased urine output and burning micturition.
From the bacterial culture report , Candida species were found in the urine samples which directs to the diagnosis of urosepsis. From the hemogram and general examination she was anemic , from the ultrasound the corticomedullary differentiation is partially lost in right kidney and partially maintained in left kidney which depicts acute kidney injury.


This is a case of alcoholic hepatitis, AKI secondary to acute gastroenteritis, HFrEF secondary to CAD, alcoholic and tobacco dependence syndrome

Problem list:

  • Loose stools 
  • pedal edema( pitting)
  • Abdominal distension
From the ultrasound report there is Grade 2 fatty liver with mild hepatomegaly. mild sludge, mild ascites, raised echogenicity of kidneys which suggests hepatitis, from endoscopy there is mallory weiss tear healing phase of gastroduodenitis. The decreased ejection fraction from 2D Echo suggests HFrEF. From these investigations the provisional diagnosis of the case can be done.


This is a case of renal AKI secondary urosepsis with bilateral hydroureteronephrosis with diabetic nephropathy.

Problem list:

  • Diabetes mellitus
  • prostomegaly
  • high grade fever
  • Pus in urine
  • anemia

From the bacterial culture report  there is presence of MSSA in blood and E-Coli in urine  that caused urosepsis. From ultrasound investigation there is increase in size and altered echotexture of renal parenchyma and bilateral proximal ureters dilated , while the distal ureters were  obstructed and circumferential bladder wall thickening that suggests renal AKI with bilateral hydroureteronephrosis.


This is a case of chronic interstitial nephritis secondary to plasma cell dyscariasis.

Problem list:

  • Fever
  • generalized weakness
  • vomitings
The serum electrophoresis presented  M band in gamma region and bone marrow aspiration showed plasma cell dyscaria, mild to moderate suppression of all cell lineages. USG  findings are bilateral grade2 renal parenchymal changes that directs the provisional diagnosis of chronic interstitial nephritis secondary to plasma cell dyscariasis.


The online clinical postings make a huge difference from the offline clinical postings. This is the 2 nd month of online clinical postings but there is only a little improvement in our understanding of the cases and the investigations. This is becoming tough as we are new to all these activities and the short forms in the investigations are a big task and all  to be googled is more confusing and time consuming. If there is some classes regarding the subject in investigations would be more helpful.


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