
Showing posts from September, 2022

Case of epigastric pain

 A 28 yr old male came to the opd with the following cheif complaints Cough since 5 days  Epigastric pain since 3 days HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS The patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 days back.He developed cough since 5 days which was dry at the begginong and later it became productive. Since 3 days he developed pain in the epigastric region which was insidious in onset and gradually progressive in nature that aggaravated while coughing. Also has on and off episodes of fever. PAST HISTORY N/K/C/O DM, HTN, ASTHMA,TB,EPILEPSY PERSONAL HISTORY  Diet - Mixed Appetite- decreased  Bowel and bladder movements-passing urine regularly but did not pass stool  for 2 days Sleep-adequate Addictions:  consuming alcohol since 10 yrs initially occassionally but from 6 years started consuming daily ( 1 quarter) GENERAL EXAMINATION Patient is conscious coherent cooperative, well oriented to time ,place, person moderatly built and moderately nourished    Pal...

hypoglycemic seizures

 A 36  year aged male came to the opd in the hypoglycemic state with seizures. Cheif complaints Seizures since 1 week  HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS Patients was asymptomatic 1.5 yrs back, was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus .  Since 1 week during night, during sleep he was developing seizures .Which would last for a short duration (15 min)and resolve spontaneously .The seizures are clonic seizures with uprolling eye movements and exaggerated body movements. He is  also diagnosed with gynecomastia  N/H/O of frothing , tongue bite PAST HISTORY K/C/O of diabetes .On insulin therapy. 1 year back he had pricking sensation in the feet which was diagnosed to be associated with high dosage of insulin and hypoglycemic drugs. For which there was change in the dosage. N/K/C/O HTN,ASTHMA,TB PERSONAL HISTORY Diet :mixed Appetite :normal Sleep :adequate Bowel and bladder movements :regular VITALS BP:90bpm PULSE RATE:126/64mmHg RESPIRATORY RATE: RBG: 25 mg/dl GENERAL EX...

Case of SOB

  CHIEF COMPLAINTS   Pt came to casuality with chief complaints of • cough since 5 days • SOB since yesterday evening • Foreign body sensation in the throat since yesterday HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS Pt was apparently asymptomatic 3 months back then then he had weakness of bilateral lower limbs which was sudden in onset for which he consulted doctor and diagnosed have having low potassium and given medication and now pt is unable to walk without stand Now pt having cough since 5days which is dry type for 4 days and associated with sputum since today morning which is yellowish white in colour non foul smelling , not blood stained and pt complaints of chest pain while coughing , and also epigastric pain Decreased urination since 10days Pt is having sob grade 3 since yesterday evening and also had foreign body sensation in throat since today morning ▪ H/ O fever N/H/O  cold, chills , rigors, palpitations, nausea , vomiting, loose stools , no odonophagia, no dysphagia K/C/...

Case of anemia secondary to chemotherapy

 September 10,2022 76 year old male farmer by occupation known case of metastatic adenocarcinoma lung stage 4 and bilateral lung nodules thymoma status post thoracotomy and excision came to Opd for blood transfusion for anemia due to chemotherapy History of presenting illness  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 9 years back he developed cough for which he went to hospital and got diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of lung for which he took 4 sessions of chemotherapy  8 months back he developed shortness of breath in view of covid he got HRCT in which the nodule was again visible following which he was put on chemotherapy  History of past illness  Know case of metastatic adenocarcinoma lung stage 4 and bilateral lung nodules thymoma Not a k/c/o DM HTN CAD ASTHMA Treatment history  Chemotherapy  Surgery - thoracotomy and excision  History of blood transfusion  Personal history  Mixed diet Normal appetite  Adequate sleep Normal bowel and b...

Case of anemia

15 year old with ANEMIA This is an online E logbook to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from an available global online community of experts to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence-based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box are welcome. A 15 year male came to the opd with the following complaints. CHIEF COMPLAINTS :  Difficulty in micturition and burning sensation since 5 days. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Patients was apparently asymptomatic 10 days back then he developed low grade fever which  is not associated with chills ,rigors and body pains.lasted for 5 days and relieved on medication.  After the fever got subsided there is history of burning and difficulty in micturition since 5 da...

Fever since 15 days

  70 year old male with fever and weakness 5 September 2022  70 year old male with  1)fever since 15 days 2)generalised weakness and body pains  in bilateral lower limbs since 10  days HOPI Pt was apparently asymptomatic 15 days back then had fever which high grade more during night time associated with chills and rigors it is intermittent not associated with cold , cough, vomitings , loose motions, abdominal pain, burning micturition , no h/o rash, hematuria, bleeding from gums For which he was taken to local rmp and  got treated for the same and diagnosed typhoid fever and reports from outside showing platelets of 85,000 Then he had generalised body weakness and  pains in bilateral lower limbs and lower back ache since 3days. Pt is unable to walk or stand without support. PAST HISTORY   not a known case of HTN ,DM ,ASTHMA, EPILEPSY , TB,CAD FAMILY HISTORY Not significant PERSONAL HISTORY  Diet - mixed Appetite- decreased  Bowel and bla...