Case of anemia secondary to chemotherapy

 September 10,2022

76 year old male farmer by occupation known case of metastatic adenocarcinoma lung stage 4 and bilateral lung nodules thymoma status post thoracotomy and excision came to Opd for blood transfusion for anemia due to chemotherapy

History of presenting illness 

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 9 years back he developed cough for which he went to hospital and got diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of lung for which he took 4 sessions of chemotherapy 
8 months back he developed shortness of breath in view of covid he got HRCT in which the nodule was again visible following which he was put on chemotherapy 

History of past illness 

Know case of metastatic adenocarcinoma lung stage 4 and bilateral lung nodules thymoma

Treatment history 

Surgery - thoracotomy and excision 
History of blood transfusion 

Personal history 

Mixed diet
Normal appetite 
Adequate sleep
Normal bowel and bladder movements
No addictions

Family history 

Not significant 

General examination 

Pallor +
Clubbing +
No icterus cyanosis lymhadenopathy edema of feet


BP 120/80mmhg
Pluse 92bpm
Rr 16cpm
Temp 98.6°F
Spo2 98%
GRBS 102mg/dl

Systemic examination 

CVS - S1, S2 heard

RS - BAE present

Abdomen - scaphoid normal hernial orifices

CNS - conscious normal speech 
Cranial nerves intact 

Provisional diagnosis

Anemia secondary to chemotherapy 


Blood transfusion was done on 9/09/2022


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