
This is an online E logbook to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from an available global online community of experts to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence-based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box are welcome.

47Y/M driver by occupation, resident of lingotam came to casualty on 18/6/23 with chief complaints of;

Loss of consciousness since early morning 5am;

Burning micturition since 3 days;

History of presenting illness:

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 days back when he became unconscious and was brought to casualty (Grbs 35mg/dl) and was treated for hypoglycemia and he became responsive.

C/o of burning micturition since 3 days.

H/o similar complaints  1 week ago . Patient came to casuality with hypoglycemic episode ( was not willing for admission at that time) .

C/o fever,vomitings, loose stools 

No C/o sob, chest pain, palpitation, orthopnea, PND

No c/o pedal edema , facial puffiness, decreased urine output.
Past history:

Patient is k/c/o Diabetic Mellitus-II since 10 years on regular medication.

Patient had  bilateral Cataract surgery 9 years back.

Family history:

Not significant

Personal history:
  • Appetite - Decreased since hospitilization
  • Burning Micturation is present for the past 3 days  
  • Normal bowel and bladder movements
  • Sleep - adequate 
  • Diet - Non-Veg & Mixed (Veg) sometimes 
  • Chronic smoker since 20 years
  • No allergies.
General Examination:

Patient was conscious ,coherent , cooperative ,
well oriented.

Pallor-  present





Edema -absent



Pulse rate -82bpm.

Bp-120/60mm hg 


Spo2-99% . 



Soft non tender

Burn on Left Lower Quadrant 
Since childhood 

Dehydrated Tongue 

                  Pallor is present

Cvs system:

S1 and S2 sounds are heard.

No murmurs.

Respiratory system:

BAE present.

NVBS heard.



19.06.2023 to 21.06.2023


Usg Abdomen

Provisional diagnosis:

Hypoglycemai secondary to oral hypoglycemic agents with k/c/o DM-2 since 10 years with ?diabetic nephropathy and associated anemia.


Iv fluids NS @ 100ml/hr strict I/o charting

 - stop oral hypoglycemic agents until further orders.

- inj. Neomol 1gm/iv/sos ( if temp>= 101F)

- inj. Zofer 4mg / iv/ sos

- inj. metrogyl 500mg /iv/ tid

- Tab sporolac 2 tabs po/tid

- Tab. baclofen 10mg /po/bd

- Tab dolo 650 mg PO/sos

- ors solution 200ml after every stool

-GRBS 7. Profile monitoring

-Vitals monitoring 2nd Hourly.


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